
Booking an Appointment

Coordinators are available for virtual appointments only, with scheduling through Career Connections. If you are having difficulty, please email careereducation@tru.ca and we will set up a time for you. Once your appointment has been made, the coordinator will be in touch to set up a phone or web conference call.

How can we help?

Welcome to the TRU Business Co-op Website! Here you will find all the information you will need to be successful in the program.

Whether you want some more information on the co-op program, or you are an international student and want information that is fit to your needs, or you are an employer and are seeking students eager to find work, The TRU business coop website has got you covered!

Start Here

If you are curious about the business co-op program and want more information this is where you want to start.

International Students

Here you will find information tailored to international students regarding the co-op application process and additional information.


If you are an employer looking to hire a student, click here to see some of our eligible students.

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